Workshop Foundation announces two open calls in the frame of "Life Long Burning – Futures Lost and Found" Creative Europe program.

Please note: Decision will be made parallelly for the LLB Coproductions and Creative Crossroads selection. You can apply for both calls, however please keep in mind that the opportunities will be offered to two different applicants. 


Workshop Foundation


for artists active in the Hungarian contemporary dance scene

LLB3 Coproductions

In the framework of the 4-year Life Long Burning (LLB) – Futures Lost and Found project, supported by Creative Europe programme of the European Union



What is Life Long Burning?

LLB is a multi-annual cooperation project implemented by 12 partner organizations. In addition to the coordinator danceWEB (AT), the partnership comprises dance houses, festivals, choreographic centers and networks as well as production houses.


Please note: Decision will be made parallelly with the Creative Crossroads Cycle 2 selection. You may apply for both calls, however please keep in mind that the opportunities will be offered to two different applicants.


What we offer?

 a one time 4 000 EUR coproduction fee (net amount, against invoice) for 1 selected production;

 promotion of the production on the platforms of Life Long Burning and within the network.

Criteria to meet if selected:

 the production must have either a work-in-progress presentation or a premiere until 31st December 2024;

  display of the support on all promotional materials according to PR guidelines to be provided by WSF;

provide text, photo and video material about the co-production until 31st December 2024  to be published on the LLB website and in the LLB newsletter and to keep WSF up to date about premiere and further touring dates.


Who can apply?

  emerging or mid-career artists;

have a professional background and experience, as well as a long-term commitment as a creative artist in the field of contemporary dance in Hungary;

   be actively working and present in the contemporary dance scene in Hungary.

How can you apply?

Please download and fill out THIS APPLICATION FORM. Then upload it along with your CV and submit your application via THIS FORM.

The application form contains the necessary information to be submitted. Please read it in due time!


Deadline for application: 22nd July 2024 (midnight)

Applicants will be informed by: 2nd September 2024

Selection will be made by Workshop Foundation’s team, Imre Vass (current Creative Crossroads artist), Lujza Csikós (representative of Trafo House of Contemporary Arts) and Karen Joosten (STUK international arts center in Leuven, LLB partner).

The following aspects will be considered:

  Concept: could it be interesting in Hungary and abroad as well?

 The amount to which the co-production support could contribute to the artist’s plans at this point of their career.

  Fit between the artists plans and LLB’s mission

  Professional background of the applicant.

  Realistic budget plan.

  Clarity and feasibility of the artistic plans.

  Quality of the materials provided in the application.

 Decision will be made parallelly with the Creative Crossroads Cycle 2 selection. You may apply for both calls, however please keep in mind that the opportunities will be offered to two different applicants.

More information: Brigitta Kovács +36 30 656 0419,,


Workshop Foundation


for artists active in the Hungarian contemporary dance scene

Creative Crossroads – Cycle 2 (01/01/2025 - 31/12/2026)

In the framework of the 4-year Life Long Burning (LLB) – Futures Lost and Found project, supported by Creative Europe programme of the European Union


What is Life Long Burning?

LLB is a multi-annual cooperation project implemented by 12 partner organizations. In addition to the coordinator danceWEB (AT), the partnership comprises dance houses, festivals, choreographic centers and networks as well as production houses.


What is Creative Crossroads program and its goals?

Within LLB, Creative Crossroads offers tailor-made support for emerging and mid-career artists. Each participating network partner commits to support an artist or artist collective for 2 years and – together with the consortium – offers the artist support available with the means of the network.

The goals of the program are: to provide stability for an extended period of time by sharing resources and dividing tasks; improve the selected artists’/collectives’ structural context; give opportunity to work in an international environment, hence expanding the artists’ network and boost its development.

What we offer?

  opportunities at the LLB network partners (residency, coproduction, teaching opportunities)

 10 000 EUR financial support over the 2 years long cycle which can be freely used as a co-production, structural support or for other expenses related to artistic activities

international networking opportunity, including introduction to curators and presenters, project partners, international peers and artistic communities

 continuous consultations with Workshop Foundation to ensure that the support reflects the current needs of the selected artist(s)

  administrative and infrastructural support


Who can apply?

 have a professional background and experience, as well as a long-term commitment as a creative artist in the field of contemporary dance in Hungary;

  be actively working and present in the contemporary dance scene in Hungary.

 emerging and mid-career artists who can demonstrate that their benefit from the two-year support would bring a milestone in their career and long-term plans

 individual artists and artist collectives (collectives - ideally up to 3 people - should take into consideration that the amount of support do not differ in the case of individual artists and collectives)

 confident level of written and spoken English is a requirement


Please note: Decision will be made parallelly with the LLB Coproductions selection. You may apply for both calls, however please keep in mind that the opportunities will be offered to two different applicants.

How can you apply?

Please download and fill out THIS APPLICATION FORM. Then upload it along with an artist dossier/portfolio and submit your application via THIS FORM.


Deadline for application: 22nd July 2024 (midnight)

Date of decision: 2nd September 2024


The program starts with a kick-off meeting in Zagreb between 21st-24th November 2024, where the selected artists and the network partners in Life long Burning will meet all together. It is a requirement that the selected artist is available to attend the meeting.

How we decide?

Workshop Foundation’s team will review all applications and forward a maximum of 5 applications to the final decision committee of: Imre Vass (current Creative Crossroads artist), Lujza Csikós (representative of Trafo House of Contemporary Arts), Karen Joosten (STUK international arts center in Leuven, LLB partner) and delegates from Workshop Foundation.


The following aspects will be considered:

  clarity and feasibility of the artistic plans

 fit between the artists plans and LLB’s mission, also considering the partners and previous programs’ aims and profiles

  the amount to which the program (LLB) could support the implementation of the artist’s plans at this point of their career

  quality of the materials provided in the application

 decision will be made parallelly with the LLB Coproductions selection. You may apply for both calls, however please keep in mind that the opportunities will be offered to two different applicants.

More information: Brigitta Kovács +36 30 656 0419,,